About Serban
About me
My name is Serban. I came from Romania at 23 with only $200 and the desire to live the American Dream.
After 17 years of hustling in the Electrical Engineering and Semiconductors World, living what I thought was “The American Dream,” I learned what many successful people have realized: money and “stuff” do not make us happy. After being lost and confused about what I wanted from my future, I embarked on a personal transformation journey. I have learned what it truly means not just to be happy and satisfied but what it means to feel fulfilled.
Through my journey, I have accumulated abundant knowledge and created a blueprint for how to become fulfilled in life. It is a blueprint I live by, which has helped me be at peace and excited about where I am going. Today, I want to share this blueprint with you so you can fast-track your transformation journey toward a happier and more fulfilled life.

My story
Seneca once said, “it takes a lifetime to learn how to live.” Sadly, most of us float through existence without any real purpose, allowing the days, weeks, and years to slip by us unnoticed. But there comes a time when we must decide whether to continue living aimlessly or to take the steps necessary to truly live life to its fullest.
I spent the first seven years of my life in Romania during the Communist era, where my family struggled to make ends meet. Despite not being well off, I was never hungry, although my faith in my parents’ financial situation faltered when I received socks from Santa Claus for three years running. I never imagined I would have the opportunity to live in America, but in 2005, when it presented itself, I eagerly accepted.
Although I had heard the phrase “Living the American Dream” many times, I didn’t fully comprehend what it entailed until I moved to the US. For twelve years, I strove to attain what I thought was “The Dream”: a good, secure corporate job, homeownership, marriage, travel, children (or not), retirement savings, a pet, more travel, and collecting things. I had seen this in movies, what my parents had told me, and what society seemed to expect. I followed this blueprint, conforming to society’s expectations and rules.
As time passed, I wondered whether there was more to life than this, particularly on momentous birthdays or when another year elapsed. Even though everyone around me seemed to be following the same path, I wasn’t sure whether it made them happy or made me happy. Despite having more than I could have ever imagined, including a stunning home, financial security, and a family, I often felt empty and frustrated, like a spectator or a passenger. I struggled to identify what I wanted and what would make me feel complete and fulfilled.
Lou Holtz once remarked, “In this world, you’re either growing, or you’re dying.” As time passed, I felt like I was slowly dying, lost, and without direction. However, one September morning, my wife suggested I listen to an interview with Les Brown and Lewis Howes, which introduced me to personal development. This sparked a desire to improve myself, and I was introduced to Tom Bilyeu’s podcasts, which opened my mind to new possibilities and ways of thinking.
With Tom’s guidance and that of other personal development teachers, I transformed my life from complacency to one filled with purpose and fulfillment. I learned to live by my own values and aspirations rather than society’s expectations or those of my family and friends. I grew in my relationship with my wife, my health, and my career, doubling my income in the process. Most importantly, I discovered a higher purpose in life, helping others find their path and reach their next level.
Under the guidance of Tom and others like him, my life underwent a profound transformation. From cruising along aimlessly, I now live with purpose and fulfillment, charting a course that is uniquely my own. I no longer allow external influences such as societal norms or peer pressure to dictate my actions. Instead, I am driven by my own values and aspirations, embarking on a journey of growth and self-discovery.
Since this pivotal moment, I have progressed in every area of my life. My relationship with my wife has blossomed, and I have achieved physical feats I never thought possible, including running four marathons and scaling Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa. Mentally, I am sharper than ever before. After five years of stagnation in my career, I applied these principles and secured a job that doubled my income and aligned with my passion and long-term goals.
But the most significant change is that I have discovered a passion for helping others find their paths to happiness and fulfillment. Drawing from the lessons I have learned, I have developed actionable steps anyone can take to improve their lives.
Imagine waking up on Monday morning with excitement, eager to dive into all the possibilities that the week holds. Living life on your terms and finding fulfillment daily is within your grasp.
Many people believe that changing their lives is too daunting a task, but the truth is that the real difficulty lies in letting our lives pass us by without making any effort to improve. Small, incremental daily steps can add to significant progress over time.
There are two types of people in this world: those who allow life to happen to them and those who seize control and make the most of every moment. You have the power to choose which one you want to live in.
And I want to help you in your journey.
If you are ready to take the next step and elevate your life to new heights, reach out to me at Together, we can unlock your full potential and help you achieve your wildest dreams.