The Road to Happiness and Fulfillment!
A 7-week workshop that will give you the tools necessary to wake up excited about your day and your future and perform at your best.
It is a highly interactive Workshop divided over 7-week span with a one-hour weekly Live Online training.
Each session will have a unique topic with valuable insight that will challenge the participants’ perspectives on life. The classes are interactive where participants will share their own experiences and how they can apply the insights so that they can have their own “aha” moments. Each class will have assignments for the following week so that the information presented can be put into action right away.
This program will teach you practical and actionable steps that you can take and apply right away in order to break bad habits, overcome your fears, emotional frustrations, and doubts. By the end of the program, you will have the clarity and the step-by-step framework to take control of your future to live a more driven, purpose-filled, abundantly satisfying, happier, and meaningful life.
During the 6th class of the program, called “Action”, you will be tasked to create realistic, measurable, and achievable goals based on your newly found dreams and a clear plan of action. This plan will keep you motivated, avoid procrastination, and be excited about the future.
The Road to Happiness and Fulfillment is meant to help someone who’s reached a certain level of success in life but is frustrated with their current situation and unsure about the direction their lives is heading; unsure of what to do to move to the next level in any aspect of your life: relationships, career, health or fulfillment. If you are no longer wanting to be stuck in the same day-to-day grind with no real results, seeing your days, months and years blur into stagnation, this program is for you.
Just imagine a year from now, applying these principles and reaching that next level you’ve been thinking and dreaming about.
If you want to find out more or sign up for the limited number of seats available for this program reach out to me at:
After an initial FREE 1 on 1 screening with me, you will find out if this program is the right fit and will truly bring the lasting change you are looking for.
What Other Students Have to Say

Quick Overview of The Program

Week 1 – Decision Time
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” Tony Robbins
Only when the desire to change is greater than the desire to remain the same can you finally begin a new direction in life. Making the conscious and intentional decision to change is the first step in this process.
In this module, you will learn what stops us from sticking to our goals and how to no longer be sucked into that trap but rather create a vision for your life that you can commit to.
Week 2 & 3 – Conquer the mind, conquer the world
“The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves.” Bob Proctor
We all want to succeed in life, but our thoughts and beliefs sabotage our dreams and desires.
Understanding how our mind works and how it’s holding us back is vital. Becoming self-aware will help us see where our fears, doubts, and insecurities come from. But more importantly, understanding the origin of our negative thoughts empowers us to take control of our minds so that they can help us move forward to achieve our goals rather than stop us.
In this module, you will learn how to control your mind to leverage your past for a better future, crush your insecurities, overcome your fears, stop procrastination, and believe in your abilities to become unstoppable.

Week 4 – Values and Identity
“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” Brené Brown
People always ask: “How do I find my passion?”
Values are like the root of a tree. The deeper and stronger they are, the more steadfast the tree will be. You will discover your passion and purpose when you are clear on what you stand for, your core values, and what you care about the most. With these values, you will build an unshakable identity that will create confidence and belief in your ability to reach your goals.
In this module, we will dive deep into clarifying the core values that make you unique. You will learn how to build a strong identity that will let you live a more authentic life. Your values will help you discover your passion.
Week 5 – Less talking more doing. Taking action!
“Knowledge is NOT power. Knowledge is only POTENTIAL power. Action is power.” Tony Robbins
Many people set New Year’s Resolutions, and in less than three months, they quit. Some don’t even bother setting any goals for themselves. Why do people give up so easily?
You can’t wander toward your goals! There must be a clear plan of action that helps remove uncertainty and doubt.
In this module, we will build on the understanding of our brain and identity to create a plan that gives us purpose in life. In addition, there will be a focus on how to stay motivated, driven, and excited about your goals.

Week 6 – Leverage Your Body
“Your body is a lightning rod to your brain.” Serban
Countless studies highlight that having a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, which leads to high performance in all aspects of life.
Our body can be used as a tool to create confidence in our ability to do hard things, and hard things are quired if you want to reach the next levels of success.
In this module, you will learn how to leverage your body to achieve challenging goals not just physically but in any area of your life.
Week 7 – The End and The Beginning
“Build yourself up with one perfectly laid brick each day. Soon you will have a [road].” Tom Bilyeu
The game of life is an infinite game. You are never finished. It is a journey, not a destination.
When it comes to change, the hardest thing to do is to start. Once the first brick for a new path is laid before you, momentum will carry you forward.
In this module, you will connect all the classes to have all the necessary tools and techniques to walk on the path toward a better you.
You will be ready to step forward on your own Road to Happiness and Fulfillment.